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Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Uncomfortably close . . . . (to each other and surrounding vessels)

Last night was quite nice because we actually got to row and the bonus being we were moving in the right direction! It was a relief not to have to spend another night in the cabin with two of us in there. I'm sure I poked my toes in Elin's nostrils a few times that night, didn't dare inspect my toes in the morning!!! The other problem with sharing the cabin is that your body tends to seize up really quickly, so you get backache, your hands cramp up too, which is not particularly pleasant. Hopefully we won't have to do it again, fingers crossed.

Tomorrow (6th), is going to be an emotional day for Elin for personal reasons, we had anticipated to be on land by now but unfortunately we are not, however I have the matter in hand . . . . . I had hidden a packet of ginger haribo men for her to cheer her up so shhh don't tell her till tomorrow. The other night she was fixated on chocolate and we promised we would not have our chocolate treat ( by the way this is chocolate from the grab bag , as you know our supplies finished quite a while ago) till we had reached the 500 mile mark. I don't know how she restrained herself, it must have been torture, because it took us hours to get to the 500 mark. I did however cave in to her demands by giving her a hot chocolate drink I had stashed away for such emergencies!!!

We have also had a lot of traffic at night from one cargo ship to another, it’s a bit like the M1 down here, must be getting near land. By the way my fantastic idea of using the LED light from the bow cabin works like a dream :-)

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