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Thursday, 3 January 2008

2 January 2008

Well, as of 12pm today we have been at sea a month! We can hardly believe it! To our great satisfaction, at 21 minutes past midnight we also managed to get under 20 degrees North (a feat that we had been struggling with since Boxing Day!) and we are now very closely embarking on the 1000 mile mark! All in all, a positive start to 2008!

Other thoughts as we reflect back on a month at sea:
A second can last eternity, but a day goes by in a flash.
Eating to live is not half as much fun as living to eat.
Sleep deprivation distorts EVERYTHING!
Lying in the cabin without a bra requires a health and safety assessment (either that or duck tape)!

A topic that is widely discussed on board, with a great level of interest is our bowel movement. According to Herdip, bowl movements,like the weather is a British topic of conversation, at which time sheprides herself on being Indian. Conversation is therefore strictly professional. Herdip's specialist gastro skills allows each movement to be assessed and scored. The impact of diet (peanuts, sweetcorn, curry) is widely analysed and the varying impact of the different makes of food (Norweigan or British) compared. Just to explain, the rehydrated food, if not prepared to soup like consistency, with lots of water, hits our stomachs and continues to absorb water - making us very, very constipated!

Just to put it in context, our 3 meter deck serves as a kitchen, dining room, shower room and toilet - giving the rower a prime viewing position whether she wants it or not!!Other facts that amuse us, is that when Herdip holds the oars, her thumband index finger overlap by about 1cm. When I hold the oars there is agap of around 0.5 cm between my thumb and index finger, which wouldexplain why my shins and Herdip's thumbs hurt! Her knuckles also do drag along the deck when she walks ...

Highlight of the day for me is counting out all the ginger (ok, orange) men in the Haribo supermix pack. Desperate times does call for desperate measures!

Our international "fan group" continues to grow, with 5 more countrieson the list Canada (the Bains family, Herdip's older sis & family sending love & support) Uganda (hope you're having a fab time in the African bush Sprecks, I will come with you next time!) Russia (hope you had a great holiday and welcomed the new year in style Amy Lou) Norway (bienevue familie de Mass!) Netherlands (Jack and Corry my Spanish beer drinking companions) with a new member in NZ (hope all is well with u and bump Abs!).

So that's it for today, I hope that those of you returning to work today don't find it too painful!

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