I’m back. Russia was an amazing holiday but boy did I miss my attachment to the Woodvale site!
Picture here of girls on Christmas day as taken by the support boat.
As of 1pm today the girls have rowed 1048 nautical miles – they have done well to close the gap between Atlantic Jacks who had taken great pride in passing the girls a few days ago. Although not in for a competition such gleeful statements by others only serves as motivation for our two tough cookies!
Here’s what they had to report today ……
”I'm in PA mode today, and typing as Dips shouts from the oars, so hear goes ...
Lets start with the weather - the weather has picked up and we have strong easterly winds, which is taking us in the right direction! However the waves are ENORMOUS . . . . . if only you could see our faces when we go over them!
Last night we tried to row, but as the moon has gone, the nights are VERY dark again. Not being able to see the waves coming (but boy do we hear them) makes it very difficult, so we rested a bit, letting the waves take us (generally) in the right direction. We felt like we were in a tumble dryer at one point! Big thanks to Dream Maker for keeping us safe!
It poured it down with rain as well, so both of us have been constantly wet for the last 24 - 36 hours. At least the decks are clean now - Dream Maker has never looked so shiny!
So that's the weather. Thought you'd like to hear about some general rituals that we’ve developed over the last month!
Firstly, we decided that cutlery washing was no longer needed! Whether this is down to poor resources, or complete laziness I'll let you decide. Instead we lick our spoons clean post meal, and if Elin has eaten a meat based meal a double-lick is required to maintain Herdip’s vegetarian diet.
Secondly, as rations are getting very low (coffee and hot chocolate already gone) we now manage to recycle one tea bag between the two of us for 2 - 3 days! Our taste buds have definitely changed over the last few weeks.
Thirdly, for amusement factor and to pass the time, our daily snack bags containing fruit gums and pastilles, gives us hours of pleasure in trying to see which one of us can suck them for longest - with no chewing! Thank god for TV adverts to inspire us!
Thank you, as always to you all for your continued messages of support. Lesley from CLIMB - thank you in particular, your support, and that of individual families, certainly means a lot and keeps us CLIMBing over those big waves!
Amy - Lou - please check spelling, typing on a moving target is not soeasy either!!
Let us know all the gossip from home when you can!"
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