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Tuesday 18 December 2007

Being surrounded by water is no comfort when the water maker stops working!!

Possibly the most important piece of kit on the boat, the water maker, stopped working today leading to an epic panic!
Thankfully a few phone calls to the engineer and heads under the decks, an airlock was found and the water maker was fixed. Collective sighs of relief!!

Girls will be girls! It was grooming day today, time to cut the toe nails which apparently grow at great speeds when in socks with limited walking for two weeks. Did we really want to know that?! :-)

They have been on the phone to Ocean Summit (No. 18) and No Fear (No. 22) to compare life on the ocean. Sharing experiences with those in the same position has been great for moral. As we here on land continue to only try to imagine what it’s like.

Rowing the Atlantic is one hell of a challenge, and challenged they are, but what a fantastic job they’re doing at proving what tough material they’re made of! Keep up the good work girls!

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