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Wednesday 19 December 2007

Stormy weather - what a time for a swim!

The poor weather system that was forecast seems to have hit the boats now as crews bunk down to ride the storm. Woodvale ‘progress’ shows many of the dots doing small circles around themselves as crews fight not to loose too many of their hard earned miles.

The following email was received from Herdip this morning:

“hello! - an update - tried some rowing overnight, but REALLY SLOW with north westerly winds! Rowed briefly so sat on bearing for a few hours! Elin got up at 2;30 to try it for a few hours, and then I tried - and managed a mile in 2 hours! We then rowed together for a bit but we were moving no where fast!
So we decided that I would finally catch with my washing while Elin did some sunbathing! We felt like we were on a package holiday that had gone wrong somewhere! We had sun, sea ... but ...
While chilling out, I noticed a WALL of cloud approaching us, and at the sametime lost 4 miles of progress! I quickly deployed the para anchor - only to notice that it had got tangled in the rudder, so the plan (as per usual!!) was to push Elin into the water to sort it out (Making sure they were JUST flying fish with us). A few waves, and knotted ropes later we were sorted!You just wouldn't believe how quickly the weather changes!!
Everything has now been nailed and hammered to the boat to make sure we don't loose it in this weather, and we're snuggled into the cabin watching it in awe...
Slightly less frustrating not making progress, knowing that the other female crews are in the same situation!
Say a prayer tonight to wish us better weather tomorrow please.

Feeling good over all today. Got a well done, keep going text from DebbieFlood (Olympic rowing medallist) - so that was certainly a helpful moral booster ...
P.S Jo Bardoe - Elin says thanks so much for lovely email/text - fantasticWelsh! Please send more, she deleted it by mistake, and please give a great big birthday kiss to Mia from us (sorry we're late!)”

Despite being hulled up in a small cabin in the stormy seas the girls were very upbeat, laughing, joking and seemingly very much on top of things when they phoned Lucy last night.

Well done girls – we know you’re made of tougher stuff than wind and clouds!

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